I can't believe our lil' man is six months old! Jeff and I have been blessed in so many ways, but we count Riley's health and growth as the most wonderful blessings of all!
Riley is rolling all over the place, eating anything we'll offer him, sitting up pretty well on is own, and trying pretty hard to figure out the whole crawling thing; I suspect it won't take him much longer. We are still waiting on teeth, but have plenty of drool!
We go for our six-month check up next week so we'll have all the specifics of his growth then.
I hope you'll check back often to enjoy Riley's development with us!
1 comment:
Hey, yall! Man, he sure is a cutie! Gettin' big too! We are
gonna have to get all these boyz
together. Stacie will have another
one in a couple weeks. Better get
busy....you're falling behind.
Wishing all a very, Merry Christmas! Uncle Max
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