Thursday, December 20, 2007

Happy Holidays!

We are gearing up for Christmas at the Walton home, and Riley is enjoying the festivities. He loves to play with wrapping and tissue paper. He's trying to crawl and finds all the goodies under the tree very interesting. He's also decided he wants to give walking a try...with some help, of course.

He celebrated Christmas with his friends Emily, Jack, and Avi Grace a few weeks ago and got some great new books. He also exchanged gifts with Mae Mae on her last day to keep him and received two fun toys. He's already had a great Christmas and it's only just begun!

At his doctor's appointment last week, he measured 31 inches long and weighed right at 24 pounds. He's growing so fast! We started some table foods last week and he already has some favorites. Luckily, they're mostly veggies and fruits: carrots, sweet peas, pears, and cherries are tops with Riley.

We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and will post pictures as soon as we can!

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