Saturday, May 10, 2008

One Year Check-up

Riley had his one-year check up last month with Dr. Ruff. All was well - except he's mad about the shots! 

He was 27 pounds and 32 inches long (95th percentile for both!). He's a big boy and I can't even tell you how glad I am that he's walking now. Carrying him was about to wear me out! 

This week, we've mastered "head" and get "ear" most of the time. He also knows what "swing" "outside," and "cow" are. He's also discovered a new favorite fruit - mandarin oranges! We also have two new teeth on the's been quite a week of change!

Jeff and I are leaving for Las Vegas Monday and will be gone until Thursday. Meems and Peeps are coming to spend the week with Riley and I know they'll have a ball!

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