Well, I've fallen down on the blogging again. It's been too long...
Riley had his 15-month check up Monday. He weighed about 27 lbs (he wouldn't let go of the scales!) and was 32 1/2 inches long. He's now in the 95th percentile for weight and 75th for height.
New tricks: he knows a whole barnyard full of sounds, including cow, horse, duck, chicken, and dog. He also growls like a bear and can make a monkey noise (his daddy's favorite!). He's saying "oh, man" (thanks to a week with his Meems!), "uh-oh," and "whoa" (my favorite!). He can identify his belly (and say "tickle, tickle, tickle"), his head, his ears, and most of the time his nose. He also gives big, wet kisses when he's being especially sweet but will blow kisses to almost anyone who asks.
He's definitely an outside boy. He cries at the door when someone goes out without him. It's been so hot during the day, but we try to spend most of evening in the yard chasing balls, in his new frog pool, riding in the wagon, or swinging. Jeff and I think he would walk completely around our circle (about a 1/2 mile) if we didn't stop him. He jabbers and squeals the whole time. He still thinks Dub is the coolest thing - Dub's still trying to figure him out!
I'm going to try to get some pictures up soon - he has a new summer "do" that is too cute and in honor of his Uncle B.
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