Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Some of my favorite foods...

Thought I'd go with the Top 10 format for another post. It might come in handy down the road when he has kids of his own and wants to know what he was like when he was a baby. Also lucky for him, he is the first and the first child always has the best baby book.

His current Top 10 Favorite Foods...

10. hot dogs, preferably grilled
Tie 9. fresh peaches
Tie 9. bananas
8. Teddy Grahams (often requested with a roar!)
7. green beans
6. carrots
5. oatmeal (seems partial to bananas 'n cream)
4. dried blueberries or raisins
3. corn
2. strawberries (doesn't mind them in pie either!)
1. powdered donuts (that started in the womb, I think!)

This one was much harder - he's always been such a good eater, it was hard to decide his "favorites" but I think that's pretty close.

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