Monday, September 1, 2008

Pure Joy

This picture deserves its own post! I love it and can't wait to blow it up and hang it all over the house and my office. It makes me so happy! Riley and I spent the whole day together yesterday and I loved every minute of it. I felt terribly guilty for missing church, but I've been feeling terribly guilty for weeks about the hectic lifestyle we live; I just needed a day with him.

We were playing in his room and he had dumped several bins of toys out to find this one toy. It was the "happy" in a Sonic kids meal from several months ago and I think it is supposed to be the runner-up in American Idol from two years ago (You remember? The guy that beat-boxed.). 

Well, Riley loves it! If you move its arm with the microphone, it plays several different little tunes and he just laughed and danced. I happened to catch this great shot of his PURE JOY!

1 comment:

Reva said...

Riley, you look like the Incredible Hulk!" Too too sweet!

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