Monday, September 1, 2008

Stop and Go!

Last week, Riley started saying "stop" (as in "stop it!") when he didn't like what was going down. Today, he added "go!" to his vocabulary. He and I were playing on the couch; I would count, "one, two, three, go!" before I tossed him onto the pillow. When I stopped playing, he crawled back to me and said, "go!"

His other new trick from the week - throwing things away! For some reason, he's always been interested in the trash can in the kitchen (I'm sure it's that inherent attraction to all things dangerous or nasty that little boys have!). So, I decided to turn this into a positive and let him be "mama's little helper." It's worked very well and he LOVES the praise he receives for helping. The only downside - I found his milk cup in the trash tonight!

A few pictures from the long weekend - he has several pair his own sunglasses but has recently discovered that wearing mine results in lots of laughs!

1 comment:

Abbi said...

Too cute! It was great to see y'all on Saturday. I think Riley had a blast in the water.

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