Friday, March 20, 2009

New "tractors!"

We've finally arrived! Jeff and I bought a new riding lawn mower yesterday, and I'm not sure who is most excited. Jeff loves it, I'm pretty excited, but as you can tell, there is one very happy 2-year-old who thinks it's his! 

It arrived about 5:30 in the afternoon, and we had the yard mowed a little bit later (after several non-mowing trips around the yard!). This morning, when I went in to Riley's room, he popped up and said, "Tractors!" I'd guess he probably dreamed about it!

SPECIAL NOTE to my Richardson family: I know it's the "wrong color!" We got a better deal and since we're not actually farming with it, I hope you'll let us slide! Love you!

We couldn't even get it off the trailer before Riley was ready to ride!

He's asking when we can "Go? Go?"

Riding with Daddy!

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