Monday, December 28, 2009

Does it still count as a "blog"?

Ok. So it's just been 6 months since the last post. Does this even still count as a blog?

Let me explain why the long absence for those of you that may not have seen me in the last few months...I'm pregnant. For those with children, I am sure you understand. This pregnancy has been less than easy and no doubt "complicated" by my quickly growing and increasingly speedy 2-year-old. I've done well to take care of him and do my job during the last few months so my apologies for not doing better with the blogging.

Our Number 2 son is scheduled to arrive on or before February 9 (I'm praying BEFORE!). We have (FINALLY!) decided on a name - Eli Benjamin. Eli comes from Jeff's dad's side - his great-granddad Walton was Elisha. And Benjamin comes from my dad's side - my granddad's brother was Isom Benjamin as well as a great-great granddad Benjamin (Aunt Sue, check me on that!). Riley seems to be excited about his baby brother, and loves to talk to him, give him sugars and tells me frequently that "babies are fragile." Just last week, he wanted to sing "Rock A-Bye-Baby" to him; I thought I would drowned him in my tears as he laid his little head on my belly and sang to his baby brother.
Riley will turn 3 in March and has become quite the entertainer. During the holidays, we were frequently blessed with his renditions of "Away in a Manger" (e.g. A Wave in a Manger) as well as "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" from the hearth (e.g. his stage). He really enjoyed the holidays this year - he was spoiled with lots of wonderful gifts. Among his favorites are his Thomas the Train (and James and Percy, too!) train tracks, his rocking horse built by Gran (and appropriately named "Johnny"), his scooter and Lightning McQueen helmet, and all his new Lightning McQueen character cars. His daddy has his tool bench assembled and ready for him to play with and I anticipate it will also be among his favorites - What little boy doesn't like power tools and a hammer?

Although he (and we!) are grateful for all the gifts from family and friends, the greatest gift for me was his understanding that we were celebrating Baby Jesus' birthday. He can tell The First Christmas Story of Mary and Joseph and their trip to Bethlehem, the birth of the our Savior in the manager, how the angel appeared to the shepherds and even knows that the wisemen brought Him gifts (gold, myrrh, and frankincense). What more can a mother ask for at 2 years old?

We have made significant strides in the potty training during the last week, and he now shares our (IMMENSE!) excitement at "making a lallow potty." We are still working on the other but are just thrilled that we seem to be headed in the right direction. The Lightning McQueen big boy undies were a huge hit and seemed to have been the jumpstart he needed; he does NOT want to tee-tee on Lightning McQueen. Who knew, right?

Ok. I'll end for now and try to find some time to upload some photos in the next post. You won't believe how much he's grown! Thanks for hanging with us and being patient!

1 comment:

Amy said...

LOVE the name! Will you call him Eil?

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker